Student Nutrition

What is the meal distribution process?

Students will be provided breakfast and lunch at no cost to our families.
Breakfast will be distributed in bags; lunch will be pre-plated items. Seating outdoors is encouraged. When eating indoors, students will be encouraged to maximize physical distancing since masks cannot be used.
Food distribution for students participating in Independent Study will be provided in a subsequent update.

Student Nutrition

The USDA has extended the Universal FREE Meals for All program. All schools, every day! Breakfast and Lunch!!

Let us save you both time and money and do the cooking for you. All meals meet or exceed USDA Nutritional guidelines for both breakfast and lunch. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins. For those with dietary restrictions, please reach out to our contacts below. We look forward to serving your students!

Finally, the district still needs your help completing the Alternate Income Form. Completing this form helps our district receive the vital Local Control Funding Forumula (LCFF). You can find this simple form here. (Alternate Income Form).


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School Lunch Menu

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